Dear reader, welcome to the first TAAFE newsletter, where we will give you some information about the project.
The challenge:
A growing aging population and an increasing number of isolated older people demand new approaches and political commitment. Therefore, the World Health Organisation developed the concept of sustainable age-friendly environments (AFE), using an integrative approach to optimize the social and physical environments and promote active, healthy aging and participation in society. The TAAFE project, starting from this concept, created the TAAFE Model, a participatory framework for developing an age-friendly environment and an improved delivery of services in the Alpine Space (AS).
Main aims of the project
Providing Public Administration with a toolkit to implement a participatory method to develop age-friendly environments; enhancing the sense of inclusion, the awareness and the empowerment of older adult citizens thanks to a co-design approach to services creation; elaborating a strategy that will give concrete recommendations on how to adopt and apply TAAFE approach; putting the basis for its scaling up in the Alpine Space to foster age-friendliness.
The TAAFE Model
The core feature of the TAAFE model is the TRIO, composed of an older adult citizens representative, an administrative employee and a methodological facilitator. The TRIO is the engine of the participatory method, in charge of guiding the process of identification of a priority to work on to improve age-friendliness locally and of the following co-design of a service answering to it. It is supported by a board of experts, the Local Action Group, formed by around 15 members bringing different professional backgrounds and personal experiences. The role of the Local Action Group is to support the TRIO in collecting information on the local state of age-friendliness, setting goals, planning and implementing the action.
Newsletter Nr. 1

The City has almost 85.000 inhabitants, of which 27% are over 67 years old. The social
services department carries out two macro actions towards seniors a) promotion of socialization and well-being, b) assistance of vulnerable older adults (house assistance, economic contributions, etc). The city manages over a million € of National funds (NOP) to promote social inclusion and overcome adults marginalization. The City with the district mayors and the local health authority defines the integrated system of Social and Social-Health Services and actions and resources to achieve the objectives. The City is Urban Authority designated by Veneto Region in the frame of the ROP ERDF 2014-20. As intermediate organism it manages 10 million € for actions aimed at a smart, sustainable and inclusive urban development.

ISRAA has been working on Residential (850 residents) and home care (1000 clients) services with psychological support focus for older adults and informal caregivers since 1991. ISRAA has a dedicated EU Projects Unit, FABER Fabbrica Europa (, running projects on ICT implementation, on independent living (, on contrast of isolation and on community based interventions.( Thanks to those projects the social care workers and psychologists staff has increased the skills in terms of older adults engagement and wellness improvement. Throughout the implementation of “World Cafè” method and initiatives dedicated to self-care management and digital skills learning, ISRAA reaches more than 1000 citizens. ISRAA has a strong connection with the local Authorities: Municipality of Treviso, the Province of Treviso and the Regional EU Ministry for EU Policies working on innovation on social and older care field.

Established in 1989, CEI is the largest intergovernmental forum for regional cooperation in Europe, encompassing 18 Member States from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.CEI is committed to support European integration through the promotion of regional cooperation. CEI is a policy dialogue platform that support transnational strategies and multi-stakeholder networks, bridging the gap to policy-makers level. In the Plan Of Action 2018-2020 “Improving the social integration of people from groups at risk of exclusion” is one of CEI priorities CEI is member of “Age-firendly environments” AG of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Since 2004 CEI has participated in more than 30 EU funded projects. CEI supports setting-up of regional strategies (i.e. in Friuli Venezia Giulia Health and Social sector). CEI has developed a strong result-oriented approach towards regional cooperation, which underpins its on- going action in support to multilateral diplomacy.

TH. Moulaert (TM), from University of Grenoble Alps, has an international research expertise in “Age-friendly environment” (AFE) through articles and book publication in the domain, and through the launch of a Regional program of 6 local case studies in Wallonia, Belgium at the Université Catholique de Louvain (now, TM is member of the scientific board of this participatory research initiative). TM has international network in AFE. The institutional role and policy addressing of the partner is twofold. First, it is associated with the support of Grenoble Alps University towards innovation in ageing domains (Leader of WP1). Second, through his membership of REIACTIS network ( and COST Rosenet on ageing and exclusion ( the partner is in close connection not only with researchers but with other European stakeholders too.

PSP PAca is a professional network of home care service providers. It gathers health, social and personal services organizations to offer a coordinated health and care circuit for people living at home. Its compotences/experiences are-Diagnostics of organizations: financial, organizational, human Resources audits -Human resources raining/education -Corporate Social Responsibility; -Involvement and Co-construction: design thinking with professional and final users (elderly or family Caregivers) -Evaluation of impacts and results: methods, indicators, data -Innovation projects (social, organisational, technological innovation) -Participate in defining Regional Strategy of Innovation of Region PACA (Silver economy – aging population) – Operation of Regional Interest “Silver Economy” of the Regional Council PACA(SRDEII–regional Smart Specialisation Strategy); -Partnerships with the Departments responsible for social and aging policies and with the Regional Health Agency

The District Office of Tübingen County has already initiated a number of networks that focus on improving the care provided to the elderly in the region. One of these networks is the dementia network, whose aim is to improve the overall situation for people suffering from dementia and for their relatives in the county of Tübingen. Once a year, a programme guide is compiled by the District Office listing events by network partners such as e.g., lectures, workshops and information sessions to provide information to those affected by dementia and to sensitize the population to the topic of cognitive impairment. The district of Tübingen also actively supports the development of low-threshold offers, which are supervised and guided by volunteers. Consequently, there are now more than 20 different types of activities including individual care services at home, care groups and respite for caretaking relatives.

Anton Trstenjak Institute of Gerontology and Intergenerational Relations (IAT) was established in 1992. It is specialized and experienced in the field of ageing research and implementing different programmes for quality ageing and good intergenerational relations. Most important activities: – National coordination of Network of age- friendly cities and municipalities, providing support and guidance – Development of social Network programme for quality ageing andintergenerational relations – Implementation of different researches and prevention programmes for older persons -Participation in international projects (Interreg SI-HR; IPA; Erasmus+; AAL etc) – Providing courses of social learning for different groups according to their needs: quality ageing and coexistence of generations – Volunteer programs for intergenerational individual companionship, for the creation of intergenerational group for learning, work and entertainment – publishing scientific journal Good Quality.

Municipality of Žiri is a local public authority and was established by law in 1994. Fundamental objective is to regulate and manage a substantial share of public affairs under their own responsibility and in the interests of the local population, within the limits of the law. Most important activities: – member of National coordination of Network of age-friendly cities and municipalities, participating in its activities – supporting NGO activities for elderly people in municipality – informing people about possibilities for elderly people, quality ageing and coexistence of generations – founded committee for coordination of programs for activities, learning, volunteer activities and programs for elderly people – in 2012 started a project for installation and construction of intergenerational center for quality coexistence in Žiri. In 2018 successfully gained concession with following construction in 2019-2020.

The ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH is a non-profit scientific institute that systematically links research with application. Our institute is well known for its strong focus on putting responsible research and innovation into practice while being committed to public engagement and to inclusive research-society relationships. ZSI has strong methodical Competences in applying co-creation and social experimentation designs as well as in evaluating the efficacy and impact of a policy interventions, projects and programs by deploying participative, quantitative and qualitative methods. ZSI is engaged in several projects (see for example Go-myLife, Careables, CaMEO, LinkAge,..) aiming at minimising negative effects for the most disadvantaged (persons or regions). We conduct research and advise public authorities and intermediate bodies, respectively, on how to best set up policy interventions jointly aiming at sustainable economic growth and social cohesion.

The LPH is the seedbed for open ecosystems based on demand-driven innovation development involving users and other major stakeholders (e.g., the social and healthcare services, SMEs and skilled craft & trade professions, property developers, insurance companies or municipalities). Only with a scientifically relevant and user-centred design will it be possible to develop user-friendly products and services for the future. The LPH functions as a hub and has been able to establish a trusted working relationship over the years i.e. with the District Office of the County of Tübingen, the local Senior Citizens Council as well as the Agent for Senior Citizens and Inclusion of the City of Tübingen through projects and network activity. Part of the innovation infrastructure at the LPH are a meeting room for co-creation workshops, a gallery for exhibiting and testing prototypes, a 54 m² apartment for testing and demonstration as well as access to test persons.

The municipal council decided to develop Feldbach to a city, which takes special account to the needs of elder people. In administration as well as in the municipal council, specific members are defined to implement according measures. So far, accessibility of all public places and institutions was checked, a guide for people suffering from dementia was issued and a specific series of lectures for elder people was launched. Feldbach has 13.000 inhabitants and is the capital of the district Südoststeiermark with 86.000 inhabitants.Therefore, Feldbach has the capacity to implement a new policy not only in the city, but in the whole region.
The 5 pilot sites:
Austria: Feldbach
France: Marseille
Germany: Tübingen – Mössingen
Italy: Treviso
Slovenia: Žiri
The participatory model inspired by co-design proposed by TAAFE is currently being implemented and tested in each pilot site, proving it in relation to the characteristics of the local context. Under the guidance of the TRIO, with the collaboration of the Local Action Group and the involvement of local stakeholders and citizens, a needs assessment has been initiated to identify a priority on which to focus in order to plan then a service to make local community more age-friendly.
The spread of covid-19 and related containment measures has been and still is a relevant challenge for implementation. However, the partners have been able to overcome this challenge by successfully adapting the methodology, always making sure to put participation and constructive dialogue at the centre.
Stay tuned to keep updated on the progress of the activities! You can visit our webpage or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.